I’m setting up to use the Ultra 2 ADC/DAC with a Raspberry Pi 3 A+.
I can’t seem to find any explicit assembly or setup notes, though.
I believe I have the 3 boards plugged together right, but a few photos of the current version would be really helpful; it appears to have more interconnection pins than the model shown on the web site.
I’m also assuming the the cards are to be oriented so as to overlap the RaspPi, with the I/O plugs extending over the card. Is there a photo of this? (I’m using an extender cable as shown in the photo below.)
My main question is about the software setup to allow using ALSA.
I followed the most basic instructions from the web site that describe editing the /boot/conf.txt file, and also found the instructions for the 8-channel card for setting up the /etc/asound.conf and ~/.asoundrc files.
I can now see an audio device called “anyChannelCount” in response to “aplay -L” but I can’t seem to play to it, I get the error message,
Code: Select all
[stp@~] sudo aplay -D anyChannelCount Flute01.wav
ALSA lib pcm_hw.c:1713:(_snd_pcm_hw_open) Invalid value for card
aplay: main:788: audio open error: No such file or directory
Does anyone have a working setup for the Ultra 2 on the latest cards and OS versions?
…any reply appreciated…
stp in SB/CA