Thanks Matt. Apologies for the long reply, but I decided to do a systematic investigation to locate the problem, and I'm using alternative hardwares to eliminate problem areas by duplicating some components with known working parts, e.g. power supplies.
Hardware: 3x Audio Injector cards ordered from eBay (all give same results)
SD Cards: (i) 8Gb SanDisk Ultra (10) (ii) 8Gb generic (4) (iii) 16Gb SanDisk Ultra (10)
Power supply two x adaptors (2A/1.5A) two x cables measured with in-line USB meter ~0.2-0.3A at 5.11v (“borrowed” from working Weather Station)
Two RasPi’s 2 B+ V1.2 and 3
Software: Jessie, latest available Oct 2016: 2016-09-23-raspbian-jessie.img
With RasPi3, no A-I card, 16G SD card:
1. Insert newly burnt SD card, power-on, message “resizing”, continues booting to desktop (takes long?)
2. Start - Preferences - RasPi Configuration - System - Expand Filesystem - reboot (a little faster this time)
3. Connect to home WiFi
4. Start - Preferences - RasPi Configuration - Localisation - Set Keyboard (US International) - (test) -reboot
5. Start - Preferences - RasPi Configuration - Localisation - Set Timezone - Africa Johannesburg -reboot
6. (not changing WiFi country yet, has no immediate impact)
7. Start - Preferences - RasPi Configuration - Interfaces - shows SPI and I2C disabled, might have to revisit
8. Start - Preferences - Audio Device Settings - shows bcm2835 (ALSA Mixer)
9. At this time, no strange or error messages in dmesg. A copy is saved.
9.1 diversion sudo apt-get doing some updates , is upgrade necessary?
9.2 Is it necessary to do the A-I tree setup first?
10. Powerdown; insert Audio Injector; Powerup
11. Same messages in dmesg, and ALSA still pointing to on-board device
12. (interesting: I didn’t install chromium, but it was there, nice!) goto and download audio.injector.scripts_0.1-1_all.deb and run setup (asking for password) no messages
13. Reboot, dmesg 2, then run install script (is sudo required?) (bumps to rpi-4.4.y linux tree warning which might have some issues, then downloads about 51Mb firmware revision, no reported errors)
14. Reboot, dmesg 3, errors.
14.1 When checking configuration it says: No ALSA audio devices were detected. Enable the internal audio device, or connect a USB or HAT audio device.
15. Go for broke, update and upgrade, selects about 72 files / 20Mb. Takes a while, lots of disk i/o.
15.1 Gives info message about /etc/sudoers.d/010_pi-nopasswd file.
15.2 lightdm.conf “Y” to install new version
15.3 at some point change smb workgroup to save copies of files on server
16. Reboot, dmesg 4, errors. (oops deleted by accident)
17. Go back to config and enable SPI/I2C,
18. Reboot, dmesg 5, still having errors, and error message when checking No ALSA audio devices were detected. Enable the internal audio device, or connect a USB or HAT audio device.
19. ?
My best guess is that things go belly-up around step 13, but I am unable to see why. I do not get the dmesg message audioinjector-audio soc

wm8731-hifi <-> 3f203000.i2s mapping ok
What would be the best thing to do next?
Thank you.