I installed the hat on an out of the box Raspberry Pi 3 B, and I notice that when I playback on Youtube or on PureData the left and right channel are the wrong way round. Since I am using it for high quality binaural soundscaping, this is a little setback. I just use the jack output (I think its called jack right?).
Would any of you know how I get this right software wise? Or is it in the hardware?
I am not a super experienced linux person, so I really hope somebody could walk me through what to do here

Best regards,
Ps. Also if I try to use iPhone earplugs instead of a pair of headphones, they don't fit. I have to keep pressing the plug into the thing to hear both channels. So I switched to these headphones instead which seem to work fine.
The headphones are otherwise fine, because the channels come out alright when its plugged into my computer.