Page 47 of the Codec Datasheet ... 1_v4.9.pdf shows there are power down modes.
There is a Power Down Control register with the following options of Power Conservation Modes Software Control:
- Line Input Power Down: in case you don't need the audio input
- Microphone Input an Bias Power Down: in case you don't need the microphone
- ADC Power Down: in case you don't need to input audio
- DAC Power Down: in case you don't need to output audio
- Line Output Power Down: in case you don't need the line output
- Oscillator Power Down: in case you are not using anything at all (I guess)
- CLKOUT power down: in case you are not using anything at all (I guess)
- Power Off Device in case you are not using anything at all (for sure
Has anyone figured out how to set/clear the bits associated to the power down modes?