Audioinjector WM8731 overlay for OrangePi(Armbian) is strongly needed for my project.
As far as I can understand, the modifications needed shouldn't be too complex because the architecture of the board is very similar to Rpi2.
For example, OrangePi One, PC and others provide the fully compatible GPIO pinout with I2C and SPI etc.
You can physically plug in Audioinjector into Orange Pi One or Orange Pi PC with the only minor problem of PCB corner hole positions.
The OS Armbian is debian-based with device tree available on versions 4.x.
Did anyone have experience with that?
Audioinjector WM8731 overlay for OrangePi(Armbian)
Moderator: flatmax
Re: Audioinjector WM8731 overlay for OrangePi(Armbian)
Hi there,
This sounds promising. Can you please link me here to the Orange Pi kernel sources ?
This sounds promising. Can you please link me here to the Orange Pi kernel sources ?
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