Interfacing with the Octo from another FPGA

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Interfacing with the Octo from another FPGA

Post by czhenry » Fri Jul 07, 2017 1:10 pm


Is it possible to use another FPGA (I'm thinking Mojo board) to interface with more than one Octo?

I have a programmable USB3 bridge and Mojo board, which I've thought about using as the platform for an expandable sound card design by interfacing to ADC/DAC modules. The Octo looks exactly like what I was thinking about.

Forgive my ignorance, I've just started in reading your documentation. I don't have any specific questions yet, but wanted to start the discussion anyway. Any guidance would be appreciated


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Re: Interfacing with the Octo from another FPGA

Post by flatmax » Tue Jul 18, 2017 11:17 am

Interesting question - you need 16 channels right ?

That requires two codecs ?

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Re: Interfacing with the Octo from another FPGA

Post by czhenry » Wed Jul 19, 2017 2:49 am

An external soundcard with 16 output channels on $241 would be a bargain. 24 channels at $300 would be amazing... and so on
As the number of channels increases beyond 8, audio interfaces get really expensive. So, a scalable system, that goes beyond even 3 modules, using the Audio Injector Octo modules is something interesting. Using larger amounts of data, of course, you need to use a bigger pipe and aggregate the data into bigger packets. USB3 and ethernet are good choices right now.

I'm sure there are lots of tough problems there :) Please chime in, if you know about how to address clock timing differences, and buffering data to multiple modules. I've ordered an Octo and my development tools to start learning about it.



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Re: Interfacing with the Octo from another FPGA

Post by flatmax » Sat Jul 22, 2017 9:06 pm

OK - I see what you are saying.
I think it would be a good idea for me to make a 16 channel version ?
Are you wanting to compute with the Pi or simply use the Eth or usb for piping data to a computation engine ?

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