Using Octo with embedded application

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Using Octo with embedded application

Post by mattomatto » Wed Jul 26, 2017 1:55 am

Hi there,

I'm interested in getting the octo sound card up and running with something like an STM32F7 device. I've had a good look at the hardware, and it looks as though the i2c, power, ground, should work as per the data sheet, but I'm a bit confused as to what the FPGA is doing with the I2S lines.

Is it converting the i2s format to TDM? Are you able to give me any information which would help me develop drivers for this for embedded systems?

Many thanks,


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Re: Using Octo with embedded application

Post by flatmax » Thu Jul 27, 2017 11:59 am

Hi there,

You should just be able to pretend that it is an interleaved I2S bus, 8 channels both ways.

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