Software to play 8-channel wave files

Moderator: flatmax

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Software to play 8-channel wave files

Post by ekeefe » Fri Jul 28, 2017 2:38 am


I purchased the 'Octo 8 channel sound card for the Raspberry Pi' last week from Amazon.

I am using a Raspberry Pi 3 and would like to use the board to play 8 channel wave files.

What software should I install?

Thank you,


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Re: Software to play 8-channel wave files

Post by flatmax » Sun Jul 30, 2017 12:03 am

HI there,

You can use all sorts of software to achieve this.

For example mplayer will play all sorts of audio formats. Volumio looked interesting, I have posted on how to build your own volumio distribution here :

There is smplayer as well ... and a multitude of different types of players ...

What is your use case ? I wonder if there are some suggestions which can be made depending on what you are after.

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