Synchronized playback of 4 mono files

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Synchronized playback of 4 mono files

Post by eldrizno » Sat Jan 19, 2019 4:51 am

I'm looking for a multi-track playback solution and would love some feedback if doing this with an Octo is a)possible and b)appropriate in a professional audio performance environment.

My project involves a 4 channel mixer (each channel is mono). I would like to be able to play either 2x L/R stereo tracks or 4x mono tracks so that when I cue them up on standby and press "play" they all begin playing simultaneously on their respective outputs. It is essential that they all maintain sync without fluctuation and the system would have to be extremely reliable. *note: I will not be Recording. The system is for simultaneous multi-track playback only.*

Does something like this exist for pi3+octo already? or should I look elsewhere to make this happen? Thanks!

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Re: Synchronized playback of 4 mono files

Post by allenhuffman » Thu May 02, 2019 11:00 am

I have the same question. We used $200 netbook computers and a USB hub full of $2 USB sound cards to generate multi-channel audio in a haunted house attraction. That's cheap enough, but the software we were using was $$$ (it did much more, of course). I've been looking for a fall-back system for playing synchronized audio throughout these attractions, in case the main show computer goes down. This would be ideal if it were possible to keep audio playing in sync without phasing and such.

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